Jamaican Slaw
Every real deal Jamaican meal has one of a few traditional vegetable side dishes with it. Many times it’s a “warm salad,” a blend of veggies steamed and pickled. This recipe is MRP’s take on a traditional Jamaican side dish. For a Nebraska flavor, we add sweet corn to the vegetables and use red wine vinegar for a nice Go Big Red color. The key to success with this recipe is finely shredding the vegetables.
1 cup shredded carrots
1 cup shredded green cabbage
1 cup shredded red cabbage
1 cob Nebraska sweet corn
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
1/2 cup distilled white vinegar
1 cup water
2 tbsp DND Original Blend
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
Blanch corn in boiling water for about 5 minutes. Rinse to cool and cut corn from cob. Toss cabbage, carrots amd corn in a bowl. In a saucepan, mix and heat all other ingredients until boiling. Pour liquid over vegetables and cover tightly with a lid or plastic wrap. Let sit for 20 minutes, then pour off excess liquid. Enjoy! Great with rice & peas and jerk pork.